Roblox Vehicle Simulator Afk

Feb 7th, 2018

Roblox Vehicle Simulator AFK. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features.

Roblox Vehicle Simulator Afk
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  1. --Re-Released by NeonEagle80 (No credit for editing/creating this script| Just reposted)
  2. --edited by poey582, take no credit for making this script, just added a few lines
  3. --Load into the game then execute the script
  4. --Get in your car then type '/e racingmode' into chat
  5. --Then go as fast as you can,then once you're at a good speed
  6. --have this phrase copied '/e stop' and paste it into chat
  7. local inftoggle = false
  8. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren()) do
  9. if v.owner.Value plr.Name then
  10. end
  11. end
  12. end
  13. if t then
  14. h.Text = txt
  15. h:remove()
  16. local h ='Hint',plr.PlayerGui)
  17. wait(2)
  18. end
  19. if msg:lower():sub(1,10) '/e toggle:' then
  20. local vehicle = getvehicle()
  21. if ins 'infnitro' then
  22. inftoggle = false
  23. else
  24. hint('(+)Enabled Infinite Nitro!(+)')
  25. end
  26. hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
  27. elseif msg:lower():sub(1,14) '/e nitrospeed:' then
  28. local vehicle = getvehicle()
  29. vehicle.Handling.Nitro.NitroSpeed.Value = tonumber(num)
  30. hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
  31. elseif msg:lower():sub(1,14) '/e stop' then
  32. local vehicle = getvehicle()
  33. vehicle.Chassis.VehicleSeat.Anchored = true
  34. hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
  35. elseif msg:lower():sub(1,14) '/e nitroforce:' then
  36. local vehicle = getvehicle()
  37. vehicle.Handling.Nitro.NitroForce.Value = tonumber(num)
  38. hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
  39. elseif msg:lower():sub(1,12) '/e maxspeed:' then
  40. local vehicle = getvehicle()
  41. vehicle.Handling.MaxSpeed.Value = tonumber(num)
  42. hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
  43. elseif msg:lower():sub(1,10) '/e torque:' then
  44. local vehicle = getvehicle()
  45. vehicle.Handling.Torque.Value = tonumber(num)
  46. hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
  47. elseif msg:lower():sub(1,12) '/e friction:' then
  48. local vehicle = getvehicle()
  49. vehicle.Handling.FrictionOffroad.Value = tonumber(num)
  50. vehicle.Handling.FrictionRoad.Value = tonumber(num)
  51. hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
  52. elseif msg:lower():sub(1,13) '/e racingmode' then
  53. if vehicle then
  54. han.MaxSpeed.Value = 10000
  55. han.SteeringRadiusConstant.Value = 12000
  56. han.FrictionRoad.Value = 200
  57. han.Nitro.NitroForce.Value = 8000
  58. inftoggle = true
  59. hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
  60. end
  61. wait(0.5)
  62. wait(0.02)
  63. if vehicle then
  64. end
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Roblox Vehicle Simulator Afk Farm

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Vehicle Simulator Afk Script

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