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Jul 21st, 2019

Roblox Loomian Legacy Next Update

Roblox Loomian Legacy Loomiboost Free
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  1. local Utilities = _p.Utilities
  2. local player = _p.player
  3. local MAX_BP = 9999
  4. gameBegan = false,
  5. medals = {},
  6. bp = 0,
  7. defeatedTrainers = ',
  8. firstNonEggAbility = '
  9. local function canSave()
  10. return _p.Menu.enabled and _p.MasterControl.WalkEnabled and PlayerData.gameBegan and (not _p.NPCChat.chatBox or not _p.NPCChat.chatBox.Parent) and not _p.Battle.currentBattle and not _p.CutsceneManager.InCutscene
  11. local trySaveThread
  12. if canSave() then
  13. return true
  14. local thisThread = {}
  15. spawn(function()
  16. if canSave() then
  17. trySaveThread = nil
  18. end
  19. end
  20. return false
  21. function PlayerData:snapshot(overwrites, enterCutscene)
  22. pcall(function()
  23. cf = _p.player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  24. local chunk =
  25. local topRoom = _p.DataManager.currentChunk:topRoom()
  26. if overwrites then
  27. chunk = overwrites.chunk or chunk
  28. if false then
  29. end
  30. _p.Network:post('PDS', 'snapshot', {
  31. chunk = chunk,
  32. }, enterCutscene)
  33. _p.CutsceneManager.InCutscene = true
  34. end
  35. local k
  36. ..
  37. if k then
  38. if k 'money' then
  39. if PlayerData.moneyUpdateCallback then
  40. end
  41. k = nil
  42. k = v
  43. end
  44. _p.Network:bindEvent('eventCompleted', function(name)
  45. end)
  46. _p.Network:bindEvent('medalObtained', function(i)
  47. end)
  48. _p.Network:bindEvent('ItemProductPurchased', function(itemName, itemIcon)
  49. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification', {
  50. Icon = 'rbxassetid://' . itemIcon
  51. end)
  52. return Utilities.comma_value(m or
  53. function PlayerData:completeEvent(event, ..)
  54. local r = _p.Network:get('PDS', 'completeEvent', event, ..)
  55. return false
  56. self.completedEvents[event] = true
  57. end
  58. self.trainerName = etc.tName
  59. self.completedEvents = etc.completedEvents
  60. local medals = {}
  61. medals[tonumber(k)] = v
  62. self.medals = medals
  63. _p.Repel.kind = etc.repel.kind
  64. _p.Repel.more = etc.repel.more
  65. if etc.reduceGraphics then
  66. _p.Menu.options:setLightingForReducedGraphics(true)
  67. _p.Menu.options.lastUnstuckTick = etc.lastUnstuckTick or 0
  68. _p.Menu.newGameFlag = true
  69. local location = etc.location
  70. do
  71. local chunk
  72. if not rooms then
  73. chunk = _p.DataManager:loadChunk(location.chunkId, {continueCFrame = cframe})
  74. chunk = _p.DataManager:loadChunk(location.chunkId)
  75. _p.MasterControl:SetIndoors(true)
  76. local roomId = rooms[1][1]
  77. local room = chunk:getRoom(roomId, door, 1, nil, cframe)
  78. chunk:checkRegion(door.Position)
  79. game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped:wait()
  80. local roomMusicId, roomMusicVolume = chunk:getRoomMusic(roomId)
  81. _p.MusicManager:fadeToVolume('RegionMusic', roomMusicId and 0 or 0.3, 0, true)
  82. _p.MusicManager:stackMusic(roomMusicId, 'RoomMusic', roomMusicVolume)
  83. end
  84. for _ in pairs( do
  85. oneRegion = false
  86. else
  87. end
  88. if oneRegion then
  89. local oneRegionData =[next(]
  90. spawn(function()
  91. while true do
  92. if l and l.Name 'RegionMusic' then
  93. end
  94. end
  95. end)
  96. fixMusic()
  97. else
  98. end
  99. local subRoom = rooms[i]
  100. local subRoomButton
  101. for _, p in pairs(chunk:topRoom().model:GetChildren()) do
  102. if (p.Name:find('^SubRoom') and p:IsA('BasePart') or p.Name 'InsideDoor' and p:IsA('Model')) and p:FindFirstChild('id') and subRoomId then
  103. break
  104. end
  105. chunk:stackSubRoom(subRoomId, subRoomButton, true)
  106. chunk:topRoom().exitCFrame = subRoom[2] + chunk.roomStack[#chunk.roomStack - 1].model.Base.Position
  107. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
  108. cframe = cframe + chunk:topRoom().model.Base.Position
  109. end
  110. local room = chunk:topRoom()
  111. if entrance then
  112. cframe = entrance.CFrame *, 3, 1) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi, 0)
  113. entrance = room.model:FindFirstChild('ToChunk:' .
  114. cframe = entrance.CFrame *, 0, -5.5)
  115. end
  116. end
  117. if 'mining' or _p.Region.FromPart( then
  118. indoorsFix()
  119. _p.Menu.options:getUnstuck(true, false)
  120. wait(1)
  121. end
  122. pcall(function()
  123. return
  124. local hit = workspace:FindPartOnRay(,, -100, 0)))
  125. return
  126. indoorsFix()
  127. if cframe then
  128. _p.Surf:forceSurf(cframe)
  129. Utilities.Teleport(cframe)
  130. end
  131. else
  132. end
  133. end
  134. if _p.debugEnabled and _p.Constants.DEBUG_AUTOSAVE then
  135. local redColor =, 0, 0)
  136. local blackColor =, 0, 0)
  137. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  138. TextColor3 = blackColor,
  139. TextScaled = true,
  140. Size =, 0, 0.03, 0),
  141. Position =, 0, 0.83, 0),
  142. })
  143. statusLabel.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  144. statusLabel.Parent = lastSaveLabel
  145. local successThread
  146. _p.Network:bindEvent('saveStatus', function(success, message)
  147. do
  148. successThread = thisThread
  149. lastSaveLabel.TextColor3 = greenColor
  150. delay(10, function()
  151. local s = math.floor(tick() - st)
  152. lastSaveLabel.Text = string.format('Last save %dm %ds ago', math.floor(s / 60), s % 60)
  153. lastSaveLabel.TextColor3 = greenColor:Lerp(redColor, math.clamp((s - 15) / 100, 0, 1))
  154. end
  155. statusLabel.TextColor3 = blackColor
  156. else
  157. end
  158. end)
  159. end
  160. local saveNotificationSlot, saveNotificationGui, saveNotificationText, saveNotificationThread
  161. _p.Network:bindEvent('saveFail', function(lastSavedSecondsAgo)
  162. saveNotificationThread = thisThread
  163. local lastSavedAt = lastSavedSecondsAgo and tick() - lastSavedSecondsAgo
  164. saveNotificationSlot = _p.NotificationManager:ReserveSlot(0.2, 0.18, 2)
  165. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  166. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  167. Parent = saveNotificationSlot.gui
  168. saveNotificationText = create('TextLabel')({
  169. Size =, 0, 0.9, 0),
  170. Position =, 0, 0.5, 0),
  171. TextColor3 =, 1, 1),
  172. TextScaled = true,
  173. ZIndex = 2,
  174. })
  175. Utilities.spTween(saveNotificationGui, 'Position',, 0, 0, 0), 0.4, 'easeOutCubic')
  176. if lastSavedSecondsAgo then
  177. saveNotificationText.Text = string.format('Roblox DataStores are down. Your data was last saved %d minute%s ago.', m, m 1 and ' or 's')
  178. saveNotificationText.TextColor3 =, 0.1, 0.1)
  179. local m = math.floor(lastSavedSecondsAgo / 60)
  180. while saveNotificationThread thisThread do
  181. local nextUpdateAt = lastSavedAt + m * 60
  182. if saveNotificationThread ~= thisThread then
  183. end
  184. end
  185. saveNotificationText.Text = 'Roblox DataStores are down. Your data has not been saved yet this session.'
  186. saveNotificationText.TextColor3 =, 0.1, 0.1)
  187. end)
  188. local thisThread = {}
  189. if saveNotificationText then
  190. saveNotificationText.Text = 'Roblox DataStores have come back online. Your data has been saved!'
  191. saveNotificationText.TextColor3 =, 1, 0.1)
  192. wait(5)
  193. return
  194. local slot = saveNotificationSlot
  195. saveNotificationSlot = nil
  196. Utilities.pTween(saveNotificationGui, 'Position',, 0, 0, 0), 0.4, 'easeOutCubic')
  197. slot:Destroy()
  198. saveNotificationGui = nil
  199. end
  200. end)
  201. return PlayerData
RAW Paste Data

So my method of getting the free loomiboost from the arch on route 3 over and over again, and I got as much as I thought I would need, and I played through the whole game again. My goal was to get a gleam snocub, but I would have been happy with anything else, and so it did, say hi to the female cafnote: hope

There’s no background nor precise goal in the game. You can create whatever you want using design tools provided by the game. The only limit to what you can build is your mind.It’s a different concept from what we usually see in classic video games. Free roblox usernames with robux. What makes it unique is the focus on the creative dimension of the game.The Roblox universe is huge and there are infinite game modes to discover. Everything depends of the user’s will and what he wants to build.

i almost ran away from her, thank god I saw the sparkles
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Roblox Loomian Legacy Obsidrugon

What makes this gleam even luckier is that right as my loomi boost ended, I encountered it(note to self, get more the 5 loomiboost coins) This is to prove that anyone can get a gleam, it just takes patience, and a alternate account. Anyways, later